A step by step view from behind the scenes!

Click back through two months worth of older posts to see how each step in the production led up to the opening night.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Official Show Photographs!

Once again this year, Mr. Pulitzer took outstanding professional photos of the production. (None of the photos were posed). Here are just a sampling from a night when Anna played Eva. He will make more photos available to us at a later date. I hope to get more close-ups of Katie's turn as Eva. (Click to enlarge each photo).

The role of Che is divided among three actors:

The first rung on Eva's ladder to power - Magaldi the tango singer:

Eva with black hair, early Act One, dances with the chorus:

Eva "B", played by Anna on Friday and Sunday, stands at her revolving door to success:

Lee plays Juan Peron, the target of Eva's intentions:

The featured tango dancers, Art and Justine:

Maggie plays Peron's ex-lover and has a wonderful solo here:

The Perons become heroes to Argentina's working class:

Eva becomes popular with the masses:

Peron at the height of his power and popularity:

In a compelling moment, Anna takes the balcony as Eva Peron as she addresses her people:

The famous moment of the show, "Don't cry for me Argentina...":

The terrific chorus is supported by a dozen lower school singers in scenes such as the "Rainbow Tour":

Peron is left to deal with rumors at home about Eva's past:

Mr. Lowell isolates different locations in this sequence using lighting from underneath the stage:

Despite her critics, Eva is confident and defiant:

At times, Che acts as Eva's conscience:

Eva's people pray for her health:

A striking photograph of Eva's decline:

Anna gives a stirring speech in Eva's final broadcast:

Cameron, one of three actors portraying Che, tries to sum up Evita's life in the final scene:

Jake as Che, (right), gives the brief spoken epilogue as Peron stands alone before Eva's casket:

A nice photo. They are dramatically lit from below the trap doors as a robotic spotlight is seen moving toward the casket up-stage. It's a unique way to end a musical. The audience sits in stunned silence until the cast runs out for the curtain call.

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