Hello, I am tech directing a Young Frankenstein at my high school here in San Francisco. I was curious about what mechanism you used to turn the turntable. How did the actors do this? This turntable would be perfect for the bookcase scene, since the bookcase revolve is actually on a periaktoi wagon. How did you run it? Thanks. By the way, I am also a 20 year IATSE member here in SF so I've built a lot of scenery before. - Patrick
Hello, I am tech directing a Young Frankenstein at my high school here in San Francisco. I was curious about what mechanism you used to turn the turntable. How did the actors do this? This turntable would be perfect for the bookcase scene, since the bookcase revolve is actually on a periaktoi wagon. How did you run it? Thanks. By the way, I am also a 20 year IATSE member here in SF so I've built a lot of scenery before. - Patrick