A step by step view from behind the scenes!

Click back through two months worth of older posts to see how each step in the production led up to the opening night.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Evita" - Day One of Pre-Production!

The director and I took six high school drama students to New York last weekend to see three Broadway musicals. On the airline flight up, Ruthie and I had a good chance to discuss "Evita" and do a few thumbnail sketches of the set. In this snapshot of my notes from the flight, you can see how the finished production in November starts out as just some messy doodles in August!

Yes, my notes are messy. But many of our epic musicals start out as doodles on a napkin or the back of an envelope! So I will distill these ideas into a cleaner list for you below. And over the next 12 weeks you will be able to see how these ideas make it to the big stage on opening night!

"EVITA" Early Production Notes from Director/Designer Meeting No. 1

Our General Facts:
-musical drama - sung through like "Les Mis"
-time period - 1934 to 1952
-Unit Set - Platforms & Balcony with metallic, black & gray tones
-period Argentine ornate railings on US balcony
-stark lighting - very angular, with "white" no-color gels
-Followspots backstage for high-angle-side "halo" light on leads
-no drops!...only cyclorama (with cross-over hallway behind cyc)
-many projections on cyc (public domain stock images)
-pit will be open for 15-20? piece orchestra
-body mics on about 10 leads (fill with floor mics)

Our Specific Prop Needs:
-Torches with fake fire
-Lots of banners, flags & signs
-Two beds
-Table & six chairs
-Period Microphone(s) - (not practicals)
-Row of theatre chairs
-Coffin - (practical)

Our Specific Lighting Needs:
-Two 410watt followspots on towers in the wings
-Two 1600watt Super Troupers from balcony
-Use HAZER throughout to catch lighting moods
-A "Light Curtain" using two dozen pin-spots
-Two additional PowerPoint projectors

Our Specific Wagon & Drop Needs:
-Flying medallion
-Flying banners
-Revolving door (on wagon)
-Big movie screen

My Ideas (The Designer) to propose to the Director:
-Use up-lights under platforms, stairs, traps?
-Use 8 "Meteor" tilt & pan DMX lights on electrics?
-Lots of side-light from dance booms?
-Some "footlight" specials from pit railing?
-The set made of all-metal construction?...no solid walls or platform facia?
-Rent painters' scaffolding for all platforms, balcony, & spot towers?
-Spot towers in front of arch...like false proscenium?...(hang screens here?)
-Use no show curtain? Just a pre-show tableu? Or maybe a black scrim here?
-Paint floor with ornate coblestone street pattern?

-Mr. Dana Lowell
Scenery & Lighting Designer
Sloan Theatre
Greensboro Day School